
If you’re wondering why is real estate so cheap in Moreno Valley CA, the answer lies in several key factors:

  • Location: Moreno Valley is part of California’s Inland Empire, which is generally considered more affordable compared to coastal areas.
  • Economic History: The city has experienced significant economic booms and busts, leading to land speculation and a fluctuating housing market.
  • Perception & Stigma: Cultural shifts and the closure of March Air Force Base have contributed to a stigma, making the area’s real estate appear less desirable.
  • Workforce Changes: The rise of remote work has influenced the dynamics of real estate demand, with more people opting for affordable inland homes.

Housing prices in Moreno Valley are generally cheaper than in other parts of Southern California, such as Los Angeles and Orange County. The average home price here falls between $400,000 to $500,000, which may seem steep to some, but it’s quite reasonable compared to the Pacific Ocean’s coastal regions.

I’m Scott Beloian, Broker/Owner of Westcoe Realtors. With years of experience in the Inland Empire’s real estate market, I’m well-versed in why is real estate so cheap in Moreno Valley CA. My depth of knowledge allows me to guide clients through the area’s unique housing landscape.

Factors Influencing Moreno Valley's Affordable Real Estate - why is real estate so cheap in moreno valley ca infographic pillar-5-steps

Historical Context of Moreno Valley’s Real Estate

Land Speculation and Economic Booms

Moreno Valley’s real estate market has a history marked by cycles of rapid growth and decline. In its early days, the area saw significant land speculation. Investors bought large parcels of land, expecting quick profits from rapid development. However, these booms were often followed by busts, leading to fluctuating property values.

One of the most notable periods of growth occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s. At that time, developers rapidly built homes to meet the demands of people moving from Los Angeles seeking affordable housing. Unfortunately, overbuilding led to a surplus of homes, causing prices to drop when the market couldn’t sustain the rapid expansion.

Demographic Shifts

The demographics of Moreno Valley have also shifted significantly over the years. Initially, the city attracted many middle-class families looking for affordable housing options. However, the economic downturns and the influx of people from more expensive areas like Los Angeles brought changes.

Many of these new residents were looking for cheaper rental options, which led to an increase in rental properties. This shift contributed to the changing perception of the city and impacted property values.

March Air Force Base

The presence of March Air Force Base has had a substantial economic impact on Moreno Valley. Established in 1918, the base has been both a stabilizing and fluctuating factor for the local economy. During its peak, the base provided numerous jobs and attracted military families, which boosted the housing market.

However, the base’s realignment in 1996, which reduced its active-duty presence, led to economic challenges. The reduction in military personnel resulted in a decline in housing demand, affecting property values negatively. The base now operates as the March Air Reserve Base, still contributing to the local economy but not at the same level as before.

Economic Impact

Moreno Valley’s economy has experienced ups and downs, influencing its real estate market. The city’s growth was initially driven by affordable housing, attracting residents from more expensive areas. However, the economic downturns, including the Great Recession, hit the city hard. Many homes went into foreclosure, and property values dropped.

In recent years, the city’s economy has been bolstered by the logistics and warehousing industry. The development of the World Logistics Center is expected to add millions of square feet of warehouse space by 2030, creating jobs and potentially increasing housing demand.

Moreno Valley Real Estate

Understanding these historical factors helps explain why is real estate so cheap in Moreno Valley CA. The cycles of boom and bust, demographic shifts, and economic changes have all played a role in shaping the current market. Next, we’ll delve into the current market trends and affordability factors.

Why is Real Estate So Cheap in Moreno Valley CA?

Land Speculation and Economic Booms

Moreno Valley has a history of land speculation that has led to rapid economic booms and busts. Historically, this area has been among the fastest-growing cities in the nation. For example, in 1989 and 2006, Moreno Valley was ranked as the fastest and sixth fastest-growing city, respectively. This rapid growth often led to overbuilding, which in turn caused significant price drops during economic downturns.

When the market crashes, as it did dramatically during the housing crisis of 2008, prices can plummet. This cycle of fast growth and equally fast busts has created an environment where housing prices remain relatively low compared to the coastal regions of California.

Stigma and Perception Issues

Several factors contribute to the stigma that surrounds Moreno Valley. One major issue is its suburban perception. Historically, the area was considered too suburban, lacking the urban appeal of nearby Los Angeles or the natural beauty of the coastal areas.

The closure of March Air Force Base in 1996 was a significant blow to the local economy. The base had been a major employer and its closure led to economic downturns and a demographic shift. As a result, there was a cultural clash that affected the city’s reputation negatively.

Additionally, Moreno Valley has no real downtown area, which contributes to its perception as a “bedroom community.” Residents often have to drive to neighboring cities for dining, shopping, and entertainment, adding to the sense of isolation and lack of amenities.

Economic Downturns and Remote Workforce

The economic downturns have had a lasting impact on Moreno Valley’s real estate market. The 2008 housing crisis hit the Inland Empire particularly hard, with many homes going into foreclosure. This led to a surplus of available housing and a drop in prices.

However, the rise of the remote workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic has started to change this dynamic. People no longer need to commute to Los Angeles for work, making Moreno Valley’s affordable housing more attractive. Despite this, the stigma and historical perception issues continue to keep prices lower than in other parts of California.

Demographic Shifts and Cultural Clashes

The demographic shifts in Moreno Valley have also played a role in its affordable real estate. The city has become more diverse over the years, which has led to cultural clashes that have affected its reputation. Despite this diversity, the perception issues remain, contributing to the lower housing prices.

The combination of these factors—land speculation, economic downturns, suburban stigma, and demographic shifts—helps explain why is real estate so cheap in Moreno Valley CA.

Next, we’ll delve into the current market trends and affordability factors.

Current Market Trends and Affordability Factors

Understanding the current market trends and affordability factors in Moreno Valley can help explain why is real estate so cheap in Moreno Valley CA. Let’s look at some critical metrics and dynamics influencing this market.

Median Sale Price and Price Per Square Foot

In February 2024, the median sale price for homes in Moreno Valley reached $517,000. This figure represents a 3.6% increase from the previous year, indicating a steady appreciation in property values. Despite this growth, Moreno Valley remains more affordable compared to neighboring markets like Riverside and Corona.

The price per square foot in Moreno Valley was recorded at $307, showcasing a 7.7% increase from the previous year. This increase signifies a high demand for properties, particularly in sought-after areas like the 92555 zip code.

Competitive Market Dynamics

The Moreno Valley real estate market is highly competitive. Homes sold in February 2024 spent an average of 29 days on the market, which is relatively fast and highlights the strong demand. On average, each home received 2 offers, indicating multiple buyers are vying for the same properties.

Buyer Strategies in a Competitive Market

In such a competitive environment, buyers often need to adopt specific strategies to secure a home:

  • Waiving Contingencies: Some buyers waive contingencies to make their offers more attractive to sellers.
  • Quick Decision-Making: With homes selling quickly, buyers must be ready to make prompt decisions.
  • Competitive Bidding: Being prepared for potential bidding wars is essential, as multiple offers are common.

Impact of Remote Work

The rise of remote work has also influenced the market. Many buyers are relocating from more expensive areas like Los Angeles to Moreno Valley, seeking more affordable housing while maintaining their jobs remotely. This trend has contributed to the competitive nature of the market and the steady increase in property values.

Understanding these factors—median sale price, price per square foot, competitive dynamics, and the impact of remote work—provides a clearer picture of why Moreno Valley’s real estate remains affordable yet competitive.

Next, we’ll explore the benefits of living in Moreno Valley.

Benefits of Living in Moreno Valley

Family-Friendly Atmosphere

Moreno Valley offers a welcoming environment for families. The city is known for its abundance of parks, schools, and community events that foster a close-knit community feeling.

Parks and Recreation: The city boasts numerous parks, providing ample space for outdoor activities. Families can enjoy Sunnymead Park and Towngate Memorial Park, which offer playgrounds, sports fields, and picnic areas.

Schools: Moreno Valley has several well-rated schools. For instance, North Ridge Elementary School has a GreatSchools rating of 7/10, making it a popular choice among parents. Schools like Chaparral Hills Elementary and Towngate Elementary also provide quality education and have active parent-teacher associations.

Community Events: The city frequently hosts events that bring residents together. From holiday parades to summer concerts, these gatherings strengthen community bonds and provide entertainment for all ages.

Diverse Neighborhoods

Moreno Valley’s neighborhoods are diverse, offering a variety of living options to suit different preferences and budgets.

Affordable Housing: One of the standout features of Moreno Valley is its affordability. For example, homes in Sunnymead Ranch are known for their reasonable prices, making it easier for families to own property. The median home price in Moreno Valley is significantly lower than in neighboring cities like Riverside and Corona.

Northside Amenities: The north side of Moreno Valley, especially around Sunnymead Ranch, offers amenities like lakeside properties and community centers. These areas provide a serene environment with access to recreational activities such as fishing and boating.

Community Growth: The city is continuously developing, with new projects aimed at enhancing the quality of life. Recently, a 56-acre parcel of land was approved for a new downtown section, promising future growth and more amenities for residents.

Lakeside Properties: For those seeking a more picturesque setting, Moreno Valley has lakeside properties that offer beautiful views and a tranquil lifestyle. These homes are particularly attractive to those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

In summary, Moreno Valley is a family-friendly city with diverse neighborhoods that cater to a wide range of needs. Its affordable housing, excellent schools, and community-oriented atmosphere make it a desirable place to live.

Next, we’ll discuss some of the challenges and considerations when living in Moreno Valley.

Challenges and Considerations

Limited Commercial Scene

Moreno Valley is often described as a bedroom community. This means most residents commute to nearby cities for work, shopping, and entertainment. Moreno Valley lacks a vibrant downtown area, making it less appealing for those who enjoy a bustling city atmosphere.

However, there are future developments in the pipeline. In 2020, a 56-acre parcel of land was approved for a new downtown section. This development aims to bring more commercial options and improve the local economy.

Transportation and Accessibility

One of the major challenges in Moreno Valley is transportation. The city is primarily served by the 60 freeway, which is notorious for being one of the most dangerous passes in the Inland Empire. This can make commuting stressful and time-consuming.

traffic congestion - why is real estate so cheap in moreno valley ca

Commuting Challenges

  • 60 Freeway: Known for its hazardous conditions, especially the Badlands pass.
  • Long Commutes: Many residents commute to LA or other nearby cities, which can be exhausting.
  • Public Transportation: While there are options, they are limited and not as efficient as in larger cities.

Future Developments

There are ongoing efforts to improve transportation infrastructure. New projects aim to enhance road safety and expand public transportation options. However, these developments will take time to implement and may not immediately solve the existing issues.

In summary, while Moreno Valley offers affordable housing and a family-friendly atmosphere, it faces challenges related to its limited commercial scene and transportation issues. These factors are important to consider for anyone thinking about moving to the area.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moreno Valley’s Real Estate

Is Moreno Valley affordable?

Yes, Moreno Valley is affordable. In fact, the city is about 15% less expensive than the California state average. This affordability extends to both home purchases and rentals, making it an attractive option for first-time buyers and renters alike.

For instance, the average home price in Moreno Valley is approximately $517,000, which is significantly lower than in many other parts of Southern California. This affordability factor draws many people from more expensive areas like Los Angeles.

Is Moreno Valley a good place to live?

Moreno Valley is a good place to live, especially for families. The city offers a family-friendly atmosphere with numerous parks, recreational areas, and community events. The neighborhoods are generally quiet, providing a peaceful environment for raising children.

However, the nightlife is limited, which might not appeal to younger adults looking for vibrant social scenes. Despite this, the city’s focus on community growth and family-oriented amenities makes it a desirable place for many.

What is Moreno Valley known for?

Moreno Valley is known for its diverse neighborhoods and community growth. Areas like Sunnymead Ranch offer lakeside properties with various community amenities, making them highly sought-after. The city’s strategic location within Riverside County provides residents with easy access to nearby cities like Riverside and Perris.

Local events also play a significant role in community life. From family-friendly festivals to cultural celebrations, there’s always something happening that brings the community together.

In summary, Moreno Valley stands out for its affordability, family-friendly atmosphere, and diverse neighborhoods. These factors contribute to its appeal as a residential area, despite some challenges related to commercial development and transportation.


At Westcoe Realtors, we understand the unique dynamics of Moreno Valley’s real estate market. Our personalized service and deep local expertise make us the ideal partner for navigating this affordable yet complex landscape.

We know that every client has a story, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re a first-time home buyer looking for a family-friendly neighborhood or an investor seeking opportunities in a rapidly evolving market, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Our commitment to the community goes beyond transactions. We are dedicated to helping you find not just a house, but a home. With our intimate knowledge of Moreno Valley’s neighborhoods, schools, and community events, we provide insights that only local experts can offer.

Choosing Westcoe Realtors means opting for a partner who values your trust and works tirelessly to earn and keep it. We’re not just about closing deals; we’re about opening doors to new possibilities and helping you achieve your real estate dreams.

Ready to explore the affordable and diverse real estate options in Moreno Valley? Contact us today to get started. Let’s make your real estate journey a successful and enjoyable experience together.