If you are on the hunt for ranches for sale in Riverside, you will find a unique mix of properties perfect for country living.

Ranches for sale in Riverside include:

  • Cattle ranches
  • Horse ranches
  • Luxury estates
  • Working farms

Riverside County’s appeal lies in its blend of rural charm and modern amenities. Imagine waking up to the sight of rolling hills, engaging in equestrian activities, or working on your own farm—all while being a short drive away from the conveniences of city life.

Ranches for sale in Riverside offer varied options for every need, from luxury estates to working cattle farms. Nestled in scenic locations like Aguanga, Anza, and Beaumont, you can find properties that provide tranquility and a chance to engage with nature.

I’m Scott Beloian, your go-to real estate professional with years of experience in the ranches for sale in Riverside market. My extensive background ensures that you receive personalized and knowledgeable service.

Key Features of Riverside Ranches - ranches for sale in riverside infographic brainstorm-6-items

Exploring Ranches for Sale in Riverside

Types of Ranches Available

When it comes to ranches for sale in Riverside, there is a wide range of options to fit different lifestyles and needs.

  • Cattle Ranches: These properties are ideal for those looking to engage in livestock farming. They typically come with vast open spaces, grazing land, and essential facilities like barns and corrals. For example, a ranch in Riverside County might include hundreds of acres designed to support a thriving cattle operation.
  • Horse Ranches: Perfect for equestrian enthusiasts, horse ranches often feature specialized amenities such as stables, riding arenas, and extensive trail systems. These properties cater to both recreational riders and professional trainers.
  • Luxury Estates: If you are seeking a blend of elegance and rural charm, luxury ranch estates offer high-end amenities while providing ample space and privacy. These properties might include custom-built homes, swimming pools, and landscaped gardens.

Understanding Pricing Trends

Knowing the market trends is crucial when exploring ranches for sale in Riverside.

  • Average Prices: The average price for a ranch in Riverside County is approximately $2,540,718. This figure provides a benchmark for buyers to understand the general market value.
  • Price Per Acre: On average, each acre of ranch land in Riverside County is priced at $46,896. This metric helps buyers gauge the cost-effectiveness of larger tracts of land.

Detailed Breakdown

Here’s a quick look at some listings to give you a better idea:

  • Large Ranch: 2410 Cross St, Riverside, CA 92503 – Priced at $1,660,000. This property includes 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and spans over 4,458 square feet.
  • Mid-Sized Ranch: 1525 Heather Ln, Riverside, CA 92504 – Priced at $1,499,900. This ranch boasts 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and covers 2,687 square feet.
  • Smaller Ranch: 5445 Pinehurst Dr, Riverside, CA 92504 – Priced at $775,000. With 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, this 2,155 square foot property offers a more budget-friendly option.

Riverside Ranches - ranches for sale in riverside

Understanding these pricing trends and types of ranches can help you make an informed decision, whether you’re looking for a working farm or a luxurious retreat.

Key Features of Riverside Ranches

What to Look for in a Ranch

When searching for ranches for sale in Riverside, there are several key features to consider to ensure you find the perfect property.

1. Land Size: The size of the land is crucial. Whether you need space for livestock, crops, or just want a large, private retreat, make sure the acreage meets your needs.

2. Water Rights: Water is vital for any ranch. Check if the property has water rights or access to a reliable water source. This is especially important in California’s dry climate.

3. Livestock Facilities: If you plan to raise animals, look for existing structures like barns, stables, and corrals. These can save you time and money compared to building new ones.

4. Amenities: Modern amenities can make ranch living more comfortable. Look for properties with updated houses, guest facilities, and recreational options like pools or riding arenas.

5. Location: Proximity to essential services like schools, hospitals, and markets can affect your daily life. Consider the distance to these amenities when choosing your ranch.

Popular Locations for Ranches in Riverside

Riverside County offers several prime locations for ranch living. Here are some of the most popular areas:

1. Aguanga: Known for its scenic beauty and open spaces, Aguanga is perfect for those seeking a peaceful, rural lifestyle. The area offers large parcels of land at relatively affordable prices.

2. Anza: Anza is a haven for horse enthusiasts and those looking for a close-knit community. The region is famous for its equestrian facilities and numerous riding trails.

3. Beaumont: Beaumont combines the charm of rural living with the convenience of city amenities. The area has seen growth in recent years, making it a good option for those who want a balance of country and city life.

These locations offer diverse options, whether you want a working ranch, a horse property, or a luxury estate. Each area has its unique appeal, so take the time to explore and find the one that fits your lifestyle.

How to Choose the Right Ranch in Riverside

Assessing Investment Opportunities

Choosing the right ranch in Riverside involves more than just finding a beautiful piece of land. You need to assess the investment potential. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Long-term value: Look for properties in areas with consistent growth. For example, Beaumont has seen significant development, indicating potential for future value appreciation.
  • Rental possibilities: Some ranches can be rented out for events, vacations, or even agricultural purposes. This can provide an additional income stream to offset costs.
  • Market trends: Riverside’s real estate market is currently a seller’s market, which means demand is higher than supply. This can drive up property values, making it a potentially lucrative investment.

Matching Ranches to Your Lifestyle

A ranch isn’t just an investment; it’s a lifestyle. Here are some factors to consider to ensure the ranch you choose fits your way of life:

  • Equestrian needs: If you love horses, look for ranches with existing livestock facilities and riding trails. The areas of Aguanga and Anza are known for their horse-friendly properties.
  • Farming: Interested in growing your own crops or raising animals? Check the land size and soil quality. Ensure the ranch has the necessary water rights for irrigation.
  • Privacy: Some people crave the solitude that a large, secluded ranch can offer. If privacy is a priority, look for properties that are farther from urban centers but still accessible.

By considering both the investment potential and how well a ranch fits your lifestyle, you can make a more informed decision. Next, let’s dive into the guide on purchasing a ranch in Riverside.

Ranches for Sale in Riverside: A Buyer’s Guide

Purchasing a ranch in Riverside can be an exciting venture. To ensure a smooth process, follow these steps and understand the legal considerations involved.

Steps to Purchase a Ranch

1. Inspection

Before making any commitments, conduct a thorough inspection of the property. Look for:

  • Land Condition: Check for soil quality, drainage, and any signs of erosion.
  • Structures: Inspect barns, stables, and any other buildings for maintenance needs.
  • Utilities: Ensure that water, electricity, and other essential services are in good working order.

2. Financing

Financing a ranch can be different from buying a typical home. Here are some tips:

  • Loan Types: Consider agricultural loans, which are specifically designed for buying land and farming operations.
  • Down Payment: Be prepared for a larger down payment, often around 20% or more.
  • Credit Score: A better credit score can help you secure favorable loan terms.

3. Closing the Deal

Once you’ve secured financing and completed inspections, it’s time to close the deal. This involves:

  • Negotiation: Work with your real estate agent to negotiate the best price and terms.
  • Paperwork: Ensure all documents are reviewed and signed, including the deed, title, and any other legal agreements.
  • Final Walkthrough: Do a final walkthrough of the property to confirm everything is as agreed.

Legal Considerations When Buying a Ranch

Zoning Laws

Zoning laws can affect what you can do with your ranch. Check:

  • Agricultural Zoning: Ensure the land is zoned for agricultural use if you plan to farm or raise livestock.
  • Building Restrictions: Be aware of any restrictions on building new structures or making modifications to existing ones.

Property Rights

Understanding property rights is crucial. Consider:

  • Water Rights: Verify that the ranch has legal water rights for irrigation and livestock.
  • Mineral Rights: Determine if you own the mineral rights, which can affect your ability to mine or drill on the land.
  • Easements: Check for any easements that allow others to use part of your land for access or utilities.

By following these steps and understanding the legal landscape, you can navigate the process of buying a ranch in Riverside with confidence. Ready to take the next step? Let’s explore the frequently asked questions about ranches for sale in Riverside.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ranches for Sale in Riverside

What are the best ranches for sale in Riverside?

Finding the best ranches for sale in Riverside can be a thrilling adventure. Riverside County offers a variety of ranch types, from sprawling cattle ranches to luxurious horse estates. Some notable listings include:

  • 2410 Cross St, Riverside, CA 92503: A large ranch with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, priced at $1,660,000. This property offers ample space and modern amenities, perfect for those looking to combine luxury with country living.
  • 1525 Heather Ln, Riverside, CA 92504: This ranch, priced at $1,499,900, features 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. It’s ideal for smaller families or those who want a more manageable property.
  • 16925 Owl Tree Rd, Riverside, CA 92504: With 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, this $1,299,000 ranch is a great option for larger families or those who need extra space for guests or farm operations.

These properties represent just a few of the many ranches for sale in Riverside. Each offers unique features, so it is essential to consider your specific needs when choosing the right ranch for you.

How do I finance a ranch purchase in Riverside?

Financing a ranch purchase can seem daunting, but there are several options available:

  1. Traditional Mortgages: Many buyers opt for standard home loans. Given the high value of ranch properties, you might need a jumbo loan, which covers amounts exceeding conventional loan limits.
  2. Agricultural Loans: If you plan to use the land for farming or livestock, look into agricultural loans. These are often available through the USDA or other specialized lenders and can offer favorable terms for rural properties.
  3. Owner Financing: In some cases, the seller may offer to finance the purchase. This can be a flexible option if traditional financing proves challenging.

Tip: Work with a real estate agent experienced in rural properties to find the best financing options for your situation. They can connect you with lenders who understand the unique aspects of buying a ranch.

What should I know about ranch maintenance in Riverside?

Owning a ranch comes with unique maintenance responsibilities. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Land Management: Regularly inspect fences, irrigation systems, and roads. Proper land management ensures the safety and productivity of your ranch.
  • Livestock Care: If you have animals, their care is paramount. This includes feeding, veterinary care, and maintaining clean and safe living conditions.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Tractors, mowers, and other machinery require regular upkeep. Ensure you have a maintenance schedule to keep everything in working order.
  • Water Resources: Managing your water supply is crucial, especially in California. Ensure wells, ponds, and irrigation systems are functioning correctly to support your land and livestock.

Tip: Consider hiring a ranch manager or consulting with local experts to help you maintain your property effectively. This can be especially helpful if you’re new to ranch ownership.

By understanding these aspects, you will be better prepared to enjoy and manage your ranch in Riverside.


At Westcoe Realtors, we understand that buying a ranch is more than just a real estate transaction—it’s a lifestyle choice. With over 60 years of experience, we have the expertise to help you find the perfect ranch for sale in Riverside that meets your unique needs and dreams.

Why Choose Westcoe Realtors?

Expert Guidance: Our team knows the Riverside market inside and out. We can help you navigate the complexities of buying a ranch, from understanding zoning laws to securing financing.

Community Focus: We are deeply committed to the Riverside community. Our efforts go beyond transactions; we aim to build strong, sustainable communities.

Innovative Solutions: We offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs, whether you’re looking for a cattle ranch, a luxury estate, or anything in between.

Your Trusted Partner in Riverside

Our dedication to the community is reflected in our involvement in programs like the First Time Home Buyer Program and Low Income Housing initiatives. We strive to make housing accessible and affordable for all.

Statistics Highlight Our Impact:

  • 10,290 Tenant Based & Project Based Vouchers
  • 950 Project Based Voucher Units
  • 306 Project Based Voucher Units under Construction
  • 17,627 Families or Customers Assisted

These numbers showcase our commitment to making a significant difference in the community.

Future Outlook

The future of housing in Riverside is bright, filled with opportunities and innovative solutions. At Westcoe Realtors, we envision a future where everyone has a place to call home—a place that meets their needs, fits their budget, and exceeds their dreams.

Our Vision Includes:

  • Sustainable Growth: We aim to foster growth that benefits all community members.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: By providing high-quality housing options and community development programs, we strive to improve the overall quality of life.
  • Continuous Innovation: We will continue to innovate and adapt to the ever-changing housing landscape, ensuring we meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Ready to explore ranches for sale in Riverside? Discover the Westcoe Realtors difference. Together, we’ll make your dream ranch a reality in the vibrant and dynamic Inland Empire.

Your home, your future, our commitment.